Five pictures on November 1. I took all the pics except the second one. My wife took the second. My son is in a Haloween costume as a spider. This day my wife and son left Kobe to stay with her family for two or three days. My son Mitaro called me on the first evening and told me he wanted to be with me. I said I wished I could fly over there, and he said he wished he could fly over here. I asked him to kiss me over the phone, and he did many times. I am a lucky dad to have such a loving kid.

My son, wife, and her parents.

Five pictures I took at my store just now, in the small hours of November 5. My son visited my store this day. Because he didn't want to come home with his mom in the evening, I allowed him to stay with me and "have a rest" here. As I am typing this now, he is sleeping with some cats peacefully.

Two pics I took of my son in the late evening on the same day as above. The young visiter has fallen asleep at my store again. ;)
