Photos taken in March 2007.

the two pics below: Mar. 3

Mar. 5

The two pics below: Mar 10

The three pics below: Mar. 21

The five pics below were taken on March 26. My son slid down a slide alone for the first time - on his stomach, his feet first. It was something accidental, for his intention was to slide down with me. He looked scared when this happened, but when he touched down the ground, looked up at me on the top of the slide, and saw me smile, he smiled too. I captured the very moment in the last photo. It is a "monumental" work of mine. Ha.

At a department store in Osaka. We waited for mom to finish her shopping of a pair for new shoes, which she got from me after complaining of the tight shoes she was wearing that day. Mar. 28.

At my store. Mar. 30.
